Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Meezer Mom

I've been a human mother of Siamese cats since 2000. Maybe I should re-phrase that. I have been owned by two Siamese cats since 2000. Prior to that, I have always been a dog owner, most recently Great Danes, so having Siamese cats in my home was quite the experience!

Most pet owners I know are very attached to their four legged family members, and most are breed loyal. So I am not going to say that Siamese cats are the greatest thing since sliced bread, because, well, your just not likely to believe me.

But they are an endless source of entertainment - and I think over the years, they've gotten quite a reputation for being a little mean. Lady and the Tramp had something to do with that. Those slinky cartoon meezers connived to wreck a house, kill the family fish, and steal an innocent baby's milk. The most common question I get from the curious is, "Oh, aren't those cats mean, or nasty?"

Of course the answer is no. The picture on left, taken by my daughter, is of 9-year old Bamboo in mid- yawn. It is a formidiable picture, and mental image many of of the Siamese. I post this picture on my Facebook Siamese cat photo album. The caption reads: I used to have a Great Dane guard my house, now I have Bamboo. Of course, there are bad apples in every bunch, but in a loving home, with well-adjusted human owner, all pets have the opportunity to be angels. Mine included.

This blog isn't meant to be earth shattering or news breaking. My little boys, Bamboo and Chop Chop, you I hope you will get to meet through my photographs, are my angels and my devils. We've had Lady and the Tramp scenes at home, for certain, but what I have learned, through the adventures of Bamboo and Chop Chop, are the little life lessons worth sharing.

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